In today’s blog, Julian Omidi highlights a kind and noble gesture performed by the Greenfield Milwaukee Fire Department, and discusses the importance of helping those in need during bad winter weather.
This past week brought massive amounts of snow to large parts of the country. Such conditions can be hazardous for drivers, but can be especially dangerous for the elderly. In the US alone , more than 11,000 adults and children are admitted into hospitals every year for injuries related to shoveling snow. Many of these patients are elderly.
One such injury occurred this weekend in Greenfield Milwaukee. An elderly man had been rushed to a nearby hospital after suffering a sudden cardiac emergency while shoveling his driveway. What makes this story unique is what happened next.
After successfully transporting the patient to the hospital, the Greenfield fire department returned to the man’s home to finish shoveling his driveway. The man’s next door neighbor witnessed this act of empathy and civic duty, and shared the following photo of their efforts on Reddit.
What these emergency responders did was a true act of civic duty at its finest. Going above and beyond their duties, these paramedics and firefighters deserve recognition for their exceptional act of chivalry. And with the patient expected to make a full recovery, this story thankfully has a happy ending.
But there are no happy endings for many of the thousands of elderly people who are hurt and killed as a result of removing snow each year. Shoveling snow can put tremendous strain on our bodies, and that strain can easily be more than an elderly body can handle. I urge our readers to take up the cause of helping their fellow man during severe weather conditions.
If you are able-bodied, please try to help your elderly neighbors with their snow removal. The chances of injury or death are especially high for this age group, and your efforts will be appreciated. Just one hour of extra work could help you save a life.
Be good to each other,
Julian Omidi
Julian Omidi, along with his brother Michael and mother Cindy, are activists and philanthropists who promote the health and overall well-being of people and animals.